The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 17: The Light at the End

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 17: The Light at the End

This is is folks. The Finale of our two year long campaign. Will this group of mismatched adventurers be able to keep it together and combine their abilities to stop a corrupted deity from spreading their will throughout all of existence? Tune in to find out.

Thank You to everyone who has stuck with us through this entire adventure. We hope you have enjoyed watching along through all the chaos. Thank You to our wonderful sponsor Dublin City Comics. Absolute Legends.

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 16: The Forgotten One

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 16: The Forgotten One

Following on from the shocking ending of Episode 15, the group must deal with the consequences of Loran and Norman's actions. A vile force behind much of the groups woes finally reveals itself and a way to save the realm is discovered. The end is nigh it isn't guaranteed that everyone is going to make it to the finish line. What will the mismatched adventurers do in order to survive? Tune in to find out.

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 15: Belly of the Beast

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons - Episode 15: Belly of the Beast

The mismatched adventurers have made their way to the ruins of Breshton. They have just finished dispatching a small horde of zombified townsfolk, and are staring at a large pile of rubble as moving beneath the debris is the twisted Sorcerer Dilyss Quaval. They have questions and he better have the answers. What twist and turns lay ahead for the group? Tune in to find out! Thank You to our ongoing sponsor Dublin City Comics. You can check out their website for exclusive deals at the following link.

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons and Dragons Episode 11 - The Lost

The Pubcast Plays Dungeons and Dragons Episode 11 - The Lost

Welcome to the latest episode of Pubcast Plays Dungeons & Dragons. The mismatched Adventurers have been separated by portals! While Loran, Kodeen and Aratir are together in the mysterious Black Asylum. Norman and Ogan find themselves in the most unexpected of company, a Gargantuan Silver Dragon who claims to be someone they know all too well. When will become of the group as they strive to make sense of this madness that is unfolding before them? Will they find a way to reunite with each other? Tune in to find out!

The Pubcast - Its Been Awhile

The Pubcast - Its Been Awhile

The Pubcasters Three jump onto a Video call and record a regular degular Pubcast. Topics contained within include Shit we have been getting up to during lockdown, the plethora of stuff that cool companies have been putting online for free, how we are staying sane through the power of being Nerds and many other tangents. Enjoy & Thanks for tuning in.